Sunday, January 3, 2010

First Post of 2010

A new year, a new decade, a new crag and a whole lot of new problems to go and do.

After drinking far too much champagne and wine on New Years Eve, the Dear Boy Philip and myself went to Almscliff with the intention of doing something. Quite what that something was we weren't sure but upon arrival it transpired that it largely consisted of hanging around the Demon Wall area drinking "corrected" coffee, trying not to freeze to death and every now and then pulling on a pair of climbing shoes. A day of low achievement it has to be said but a pleasant day out regardless.

Inspired by our visit we proceeded to have a few more drinks that evening and planned a return the following day with a vague idea of what we would attempt. The lack of any wind was noticeable compared to the day before but there was also a degree of moisture in the air making the holds a bit less than perfect which was a pity. In the end we tried a few things, looked at some more things and even climbed some things and following my two visits I have got a tick list of sorts to go at now:
  • Matterhorn Ridge (4+)
  • The Crucifix (5)
  • Pork Chop Slab (5)
  • Morrell's Wall (6a)
  • Crucifix Arête (6a)
  • Flying Arête (6a+)
Of the above I have tried Matterhorn Ridge (backed off due to snow\ice) Morrell's Wall (I can do the hard move pulling up to the crimp so it should go soon) and Flying Arête (can see it going with a bit more work) and the rest are yet to be tried. Add all of the other problems up to 6a+ into the mix and it is enough to keep me syked for Almscliff for a month or two as yet.

As if two good days at the crag weren't enough I spent last night in The Sheaf playing crib with Lord Sloper of Grindleford and taking a fair chunk of change off him in the process. Unfortunately he didn't have to break a note so it wasn't quite as one sided as the infamous trip to Ireland but it does give me ammunition to use every time said Ireland trip gets mentioned in the future which will do nicely.

All in all a good start to the New Year and long may it continue.

1 comment:

Fiend said...

Good effort on crushing Sloper :D