Sunday, May 23, 2010

Round up

Well the laptop got sorted - more memory arrived, was fitted, iTunes stuff was removed and a new build of XP that had been put on a severe diet by nlite was slapped on. Take that virus ridden, under powered laptop!

Climbing - went to Pleasley Vale to see what it was like and the answer is rather good indeed and far better than the area we had to travel through to get there. It was a bit of a shock to travel through a rather awful housing estate to then suddenly find yourself in pristine English countryside and the only thing that marred the experience of the last couple of miles were the biggest sleeping policemen of ever. They would be classed as mountains in Lincolnshire!

Anyway welcome back to the limestone (or some geological variation thereof truth be told) and prepare for decent handholds and very shiny footholds. Was good to get reacquainted with the lime once the conditions improved - it was like a 30 foot high bar of soap when we arrived. Surprisingly there were other people there as well which we didn't expect to see - in fact during the course of the evening quite a lot of people came and went and a good time was had by all. Nice to see the place is being restored with a great deal of care and attention by Tony Simpson after the problems of last year.

Lastly I am rather pissed off at the minute due to my box of Cheerios deciding to "commit suicide" from the second floor window of our office resulting in no breakfast for me till Waitrose opens at 10AM. Bugger, arse, bollocks and all that.

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