Thursday, October 14, 2010

Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Levels of SYKE are at a new high - the old benchmarks for levels of SYKE have been discarded as irrelevant, tawdry things after hearing the news that Godspeed You! Black Emperor are touring again. At last I get a chance to see them again following what has been probably 8 years of them going off and going their own thing.

GY!BE are almost certainly my favourite band - certainly top two anyway - and while others come and go they are a constant and have been since I first stumbled across a review for "Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennae To Heaven" and promptly went out and bought it as it sounded pretty interesting. Picking stuff up on the strength of a review is always a lottery as there are so many variables and this was before the age of broadband and Napster was in it's infancy so the option of doing a bit of research wasn't really viable - it was simply try it and see what happens. Boy was it interesting - it was unlike anything else I had heard at the time which was mainly stuff like My Bloody Valentine, The Fall, Pixies and other stuff of that era. To be honest the first listen to that CD was a pretty seminal moment for me and it brings to mind a reply that Nibile made on UKB when he managed to hang the 45's on his beastraper :

"in every man's life there are historical moments of absolute value. the first time you je** off, the first time you get into a fight, the first time you make love"

That kind of sums up how I felt - something changed a little with that first listen and with each GY!BE album bought after that it changed a little more but I suppose it is always that first album I come back to most often just because of that moment.

Bring on the 7th of December so that I can see my beloved Godspeed again - it's been too long.

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