Friday, August 13, 2010

New Shoes

Finally convinced myself that I could afford\wanted\had to have a new pair of climbing shoes specifically for the lime - the Five Ten Turkish slippers of doom just weren't cutting the mustard on the white stuff.

The original plan was to go for the Anasazi V2's reasoning that they are a decent pair of shoes for the lime but it seems that Five Ten are not producing them in an 8.5 at the minute. Tried a size 8 and that was a non-starter - major squashing of the toes and the 9's had enough room to fit a small child in the heel so the nice man in Outside suggested Dragon's. I had discounted these as they are super aggressive compared to both the Verde's and the Anasazi V2's and being a punter they seemed a tad excessive for what I require. Having tried them on though I found that they fit my ultra weird foot shape - think very low volume and no heel to speak of - and I can lace them down tight so after procrastinating for a while I bit the bullet. Now all I need to do is take them back and get them a half size bigger and it will be time to crush the greasy lime which will hopefully be tomorrow or Sunday if the weather plays ball.

One other piece of "news" is that I have found the colour printer at work and reasoning that it was a shame to have such a nice piece of kit sitting there and doing nowt I would put it to good use by printing off the Stoney mini guide and also the excellent St Bees North guide. Both are outstanding pieces of work (you can really feel the love that has gone into producing them) and they get you syked to go to these places and pull hard. They also shows the climbing community in a great light as these are free to download and print off (especially if you have the works printer available). Kudos to those who produce these things - reminds me that I really should think about sorting one out for Helman Tor.

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