Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Shoes II

Out last night with Lord Sloper of Grindleford for a few beers followed by a few more beers and then to the curry house. A good night apart from handing over far too much money in forfeit for my lack of skill at Backgammon. Quite why I was playing for money is debatable as I could count the number of games of Backgammon I had played prior to last night on two hands probably so I got what I deserved to be honest.

Anyway after depositing the Sloper back in Grindleford where he could lord it over the proles once more it was off to Outside to change the too small Dragons. Luck was with me as they had a new delivery of Anasazi V2's in and so it was a choice between a half size bigger pair of Dragons or the V2's - choices, choices, choices. After much debate I went for the V2's - they just felt better overall on my random feet and while the heel of the Dragons was by far the better of the two they were also promising a world of pain in my toes until they broke in. OK the heels on the V2's are not the greatest - there is a fair bit of dead space in them and they are going to be pretty uncomfortable while they break in but the day any climbing shoe manufacturer (let alone Five Ten) produce a shoe that actually fits my heels will be a cold day in hell I suspect.

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