Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The urge to blog has been somewhat lacking at the minute but then there has been very little to blog about. I think that I have attempted to go climbing twice in the last month partly as a result of working nights (and generally being fucked as a result of it) but more than anything just not being motivated due to the crap weather!

Currently it would seem that I am the beloved of all the rain gods, not just some of them but every last one of the utter bastards, and to prove their love to me they follow me where ever I go in the form of rain be it showers, drizzle or just a good solid downpour that seemingly lasts for days. God it's depressing. 8-(

Anyway, as a result of this seemingly magical property I have to make it rain I am offering my services to those parts of Australia where they have had next to no rain for years. Within a week of my arrival I can confidently predict that it will rain and most likely in truly biblical proportions so any random Aussies reading this and wanting rain please get in contact and I will come over for the price of my flight and a few beers.

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